Nikolas Müller-Plantenberg

Last update: Tuesday, 18 June 2024, 18:12:03


General information


Teaching - additional webpages

Teaching - general information

Teaching - course information

Useful links for students

Announcements [Top]

Term dates [Top]

2024-2025 - Economía Internacional (course 16693) - days without lectures or tutorials [Top]

2024-2025 - International Economics (course 16762) - days without lectures or tutorials [Top]

2024-2025 - International Macroeconomics (course 18275) - days without lectures or tutorials [Top]

Exams [Top]

Exam results [Top]

Student satisfaction survey [Top]

General information [Top]

Contact details [Top]

Curriculum vitae [Top]

Database entries [Top]

Research [Top]

Main fields of interest [Top]

Selected articles [Top]

Teaching - additional webpages [Top]

Course introduction [Top]

Course contents [Top]

Macroeconomic terms and events [Top]

Teaching - general information [Top]

Office hour [Top]

Common resources - UAM [Top]

Common resources - UAM - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration [Top]

Common resources - international macroeconomics [Top]

Common resources - bibliographic databases [Top]

Common resources - statistical databases [Top]

Common resources - technical documentation [Top]

Teaching - course information [Top]

Undergraduate course: International economics [Top]

Undergraduate course: International macroeconomics [Top]

Undergraduate course: Macroeconomía: economía abierta e inflación [Top]

Undergraduate course: International trade [Top]

Undergraduate course: Macroeconometrics [Top]

Undergraduate course: Crecimiento económico [Top]

Postgraduate course: International macroeconomics and finance [Top]

Useful links for students [Top]

Study resources - economics [Top]

Study resources - mathematics [Top]

Extracurricular activities [Top]